Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Another Day In The Life

- - - C O N T A I N S L O S T S P O I L E R - - -

Don't Read Below If You Haven't Watched S04EP09

Ok I think I will boycott LOST after what happened in EP09. I loved Ben's daughter and she was shot in the head. I don't think i will continue to watch the show anymore. I Boycotted The OC when Mischa Died. Its really annoying when one of your favourite characters die. Isnt it?

Today we went to Al Babtain Library to study, it went .. sort of well. I had to rush back home so I dont miss an episode of The Nanny, but hey a guy's got to set some priorities :)


Amethyst said...

I don't wacth "everyone sleeps with everyone and everyone dies in the end" series;p

AnGeL said...

lol aham shay the nanny :p

i still didn't get through the 3rd season ....i'll have to catch up in the summer ;)

Unknown said...

I don't like Lost I boycotted it in season 2.. drop it early while you can :p