Saturday, May 10, 2008

Good Looking People Are Evil!

Good Looking People are Evil!!.

They mess up your days, consume all ur time thinking about them. And god help us if they smile at us ... *sniff* *sniff* 1000 interpretations come from that smile.

But damn, they're fun to look at ^^ When we remember our last encounter with them, a warm feeling spurs in our chests, and we grin as if we know a secret no one else does.

An A9el Abu Bakr quote comes up "إقسى علي إقسى ... بس كون بي لطيف"



Amethyst said...

Lol! So, I'm evil, am I?;)

AnGeL said...

they are evil.....and fun to look at...quoting D. "eye candy :D ;) "

F. said...

Interesting :P